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👣 Speed Training: Speed Approach to ACL Rehabilitation

👣 Speed Training

Speed Approach to ACL Rehabilitation

👩🏻‍💻 Watch and Listen: 5 mins

🐾This is a feet first approach to ACL rehab; these athletes are at different points in their
knee injury rehab. This video also includes MCL and PCL Sprain rehab for a female athlete. The focus here is on feet, ankles and calf. I'll be dropping more videos and programmes for knee rehab from these team sport athletes and more.

⚕️🩻 For example, from ground zero, the athlete’s injury. Imaging and Radiologists, work and comms with consultant Orthopaedics' and SEM's MDT's, wider medical teams, psychologists, coaches, nutritionists, everything that surrounds the athlete. This includes preparing for knee operations, and day one post op onwards. I have tried to keep things simple and in plain speaking language. I am sure things will evolve, plus I am learning new software to present information in an engaging way. I believe clarity is kindness.

🧠 For those athletes that do have knee injuries, certain elements will never leave their programmes and training. I hope this is useful, practical and what works for successful rehab and beyond.