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Building Strength & Power for Killer Goal Keepers Målvakter (Allsvenskan)

Building Strength & Power for Killer

Goal Keepers Målvakter

Welcome to Building Strength and Power for Killer Målvakter - Goal keepers. I include training guidance, and content gathered from my time coaching Målvakter in the field of performance. You can hop to the sections you are interested in or you can work your way through the video resources at your own pace. The focus is on the physical preparation, pitch and gym based. I am not a goalkeeping coach, however I flex, and support team needs over seasons. This includes working together with Målvakter coaches.

Introduction Video 1 18 Mins Listen and Watch

The first video covers a bit about my coaching background, and why Killer Målvakter Goalkeepers.

(Disclaimer: No fouls or taking players out)

How to build from the ground upwards. This includes sample exercise menus. Muscle forces for kicking and training videos. I cover tension arc training, swing limb loading, the upper body and flexibility.

Key - Målvakter = GoalKeepers

Målvakt = Goal Keeper

Styrka = Strength

Killer Målvakter Intro and Muscle Forces for kicking

Biomechanics of Målvakter Diving Save and Force Output

Introduction Video 2 7.27 Mins Listen and Watch

This video information picks out the main key points from Dr Rony Ibrahim, Assistant Professor of Biomechanics at Qatar University. If you want to know how goal keepers dive, then this is a great resource.

I cover the force output of horizontal and vertical dives, high versus low dives, momentum, force output of joint and muscle power. Joint and muscle coordination sequencing, and what moves first. Finally, to finish with, stance width, knee angles and training implications. I did have a La Liga video embedded in the info, which is not allowed on youtube. So, these 30 sec bits I had to trim out, but the slide and info I have added below.

Contribution of Horizontal Vertical Force to the Centre of Mass

The contra-lateral leg is much more important and contributes to centre of mass velocity (speed). Horizontal linear momentum dives are much more significant than vertical jumps. The focus in training should be horizontal training.

Rony Ibrahim, Idsart Kingma, Vosse A de Boode, Gert S. Faber & Jaap H. van Dieën (2019) Kinematic and kinetic analysis of the goalkeeper’s diving save in football, Journal of Sports Sciences, 37:3, 313-321, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1499413

Force Velocity Profiling for Målvakter

Introduction Video 3 24 Mins Listen and Watch

My force velocity video information is for coaches who need guidance as to what to do with the force velocity results, training and performance implications. I start with descriptives on what qualities need to be developed, depending on the results. How to optimise speed, strength or balanced profiles, if goal keepers have a major deficit, minor deficit or balanced profile.

This resource and methods can all be applied to any position on the field.

The video includes, training approaches, programming, sequencing, what works. Speed, strength and power deficit exercise menus. Tools for measuring explosive power and monitoring. Plyometric progressions, over-speed, fast eccentrics, ballistics and resistance training.

My best advice would be to take bits that you know you can apply easily to get you going. Be open minded, try new things and get started. Break it up into smaller bites to make it more manageable. If this is not new to you, then this will just confirm the work you are already doing. You may find something different or you may get more session ideas. It will require exploration and practical applications to compliment the science. If you get results keep going! If not, then make adjustments and try a different approach.

Strength, speed and power should be trained all year round, the proportion and percentage of the work will adjust to training, competition variables, and your coaching environment. I would recommend, speed is a year constant. I hope this information can help you build strength, speed and power for killer Målvakter / GKs.

Here is the tutorial from JB Morin on how to carry out force velocity profiling.

Hervéou T, et al. Force-velocity muscular profiles and jumping performances of soccer goalkeeper. Sci sports (2018),

Buchanan, Janice (2019) The validity, reliability and sensitivity of utilising a wearable GPS based IMU to determine goalkeeper specific training demands. MSc(R) thesis.

Exercise Videos and Programming for Building Målvakter

Introduction Video 4 49 Mins Listen and Watch

My video and programming info contain straight forward exercise examples and programmes for coaches, medical teams and wider performance teams who are interested in gym and pitch based physical preparation for Målvakter / GKs. (Styrka)

I cover the following to support performance on the pitch.

Injury Surveillance and Training Implications

Exercise Videos and Sample Exercise Menus

Building Strength,Speed & Power for Målvakter Using Plyometrics - Strong Legs, Hips & Ankles

Building Strength, Speed & Power for Målvakter Using Medicine Balls - Ballistics

Målvakter Programme Examples

Programme Descriptives and Sequencing

1. Training Durability - Priority Session

2. Power Session - Match Replacement

3. Power Development - For Young Målvakter Goal keepers

4. Intimidation Programme (Upper Body, this does include core workouts)

Conditioning for Målvakter are technical sessions. Tempo, high speed running (HSR), sprints, repeated sprints are adjusted for Gks. However GKs have joined in outfield sessions for this type of work.

Overspeed within rehab work is also very good to reduce brain inhibition, where the signal from the brain to the injured area is distorted. Speed and clarity of the signal improves and motor units are more readily available and accessible for required work to express force. The aim is to help the brain to make connections to the muscle and tendon complex, and to execute motor skills, i.e. diving.

Muracki, J.; Klich, S.;Kawczyński, A.; Boudreau, SA.

Injuries and Pain Associated with Goalkeeping in Football—Review of

the Literature. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,4669.

Ejnisman, Benno & Andreoli, Carlos & Pochini, Alberto & Cohen, Moises & Bizzini, Mario & Dvorak, Jiri & Zogaib, Rodrigo & Lobo, Thiago & Barbosa, Gisele. (2016). Shoulder injuries in soccer goalkeepers: review and development of a FIFA 11+ shoulder injury prevention program. Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine. Volume 7. 75-80. 10.2147/OAJSM.S97917

Speed Reserve, Creating time for Målvakter

Introduction Video 5 18.30 Mins Listen and Watch Additional Content

This video explains the implications of what happens when you get Målvakter Goal keepers faster and more powerful, and how that supports performance on the pitch. I cover speed reserve and the performance transfer, the 5 Pillars of Action Intelligence and how this creates more time for decisiveness.

A paper of interest

Valkanidis TC., Craig CM, Cummins A, Dessing JC (2020) A goalkeeper’s performance instopping free kicks reduces when the defensive wall blocks their initial view of the ball. PLoS ONE15(12): e0243287.

Monitoring Målvakter and Training Loads using Google Data Studio

Introduction Video 6 18.32 Mins Listen and Watch

This video shows Monitoring Målvakter - Strength, Speed and Power Diagnostic Snapshots.

These Google Data Studio Dashboards are examples of basic level reporting. This is the front end of reports, google sheets provide the back end data, which is then uploaded. This is an alternative to Power Bi.

Målvakter Daily Training Loads

Målvakt Individual Player Dashboard

Målvakter Individual Player Dashboard By Shape

Målvakt Individual Weekly Training Dashboard

Målvakt Individual Monthly Dashboard

This report is interactive, you can explore and click through the reports, drill down the graphs, tables. Scroll through the 10 pages, hover at the bottom of the report for page controls. This can also be enlarged to full screen for viewing for interactive use.

I will be posting GPS dasboards, drill sizes and games, percentage match minutes, Speed monitoring and other dashboards using Google Data Studio. These are a level up, reports will depend on what the manager, coaches and Målvakters want to see and what they regard as useful. I will be sharing more of my work and experiences within fotboll.

Målvakt Interactive Dashboard

Click - hover at bottom of page to click through pages. Click on Goal Keeper - Målvakter name, session dates, week and any other buttons. Use the graph controls to filter.

See this content in the original post