I am currently working hard to develop partnerships and programmes for the short and long-term future.
My focus Is to encourage participation, both Initial engagement right through to being active for life.
I wish for everyone to be able to take part In sport or activity that caters for everyone.
Healthier Communities
I seek to empower Individuals and communities and enable them to gain more control over their lives. Women and girls, people from lower socio-economic groups, older adults, disabled people, people from particular ethnic groups, and those with long-term health conditions. Ensuring my work Is tailored to the needs of these groups.
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There Is a substantial body of evidence on the benefits of community participation and empowerment In addressing the social elements of health. For example the conditions In which people are born, grow, work, live, and age. I offer community-based physical activity programmes working with local and national organisations such as the NHS, local authorities, non-profit organisations and national and regional governing bodies.
Women & Girls
I coach and support women and girls across a diverse range of sporting pursuits and physical activities. This strong female theme Includes all age groups and abilities, from Individuals completely new to exercise all the way to professional athletes.
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My aim Is to achieve a healthy growth mind-set and establish a focus on the process of building new exercise skills. My approach Is to Increase confidence creating enjoyable experiences for women and girls who take part In non-judgemental settings.
Everyone's Welcome
My responsibility Is to make the appeal of physical activity and sport as broad and as Inclusive as possible. It's really Important to me that no one Is excluded.
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Diversity means valuing the differences between people and the ways In which those differences can contribute to a richer, more creative and more productive environment, regardless of a person’s sex, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, belief, race or age.