Secondary Schools, Colleges & Universitie's
Adopting strategies and practices that Improve student health and well-being offers Important benefits for educational settings as well as for student success.
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I support key National Curriculum themes creating engaging practical activities and content. Students with better health and well-being are likely to be higher academic achievers. Higher attaining schools have greater levels of participation In physical activity and sports programmes. This ties In with the Ofsted Inspection framework, such as achievement of students and their behaviour and safety at school.
Cultural Platforms - Art Galleries, Museums, Creatives & Libraries
Several studies Indicate an association between engaging In culture and sports with positive economic Impacts, especially employment and skills development. The Department for Culture, Media & Sport reported those engaging with the arts as an audience member were 5.4% more likely to report good health and well-being.
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Participating In cultural activities, and creative activities, were associated with Improved health; In particular, through a reduction In mortality rates and risk factors for disease, and Improved healthy eating and physical activity.
Sport - Workshops, Presentations & Education
To encourage participants to engage with sport. I use a variety of methods such as sport and culture to help participants share their thoughts and Ideas In unique and diverse ways.
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I deliver sport and physical activity sessions which are tailored to accommodate my clients particular requirements. Physical activity can assist social development and life values such as self-Improvement, determination and effort.