Plyometric Exercise Menu's for Speed

Plyometric Exercise Menu's for Speed


Plyometric Exercise Menu’s for Speed

Pdf Guides

Focus: Legs & Hips

Bounds & Skips for Speed 1 & 2

Jump Progressions 1 & 2 Include Combined Plyo’s using Weights / Resistance

Hop Progressions

Includes guides for single response and multiple impact plyometrics, colour coded to show where these plyometric exercises can be applied over sprint sections 0-100m

0-5m Accel 1

5-15m Accel 2

15-30m Accel 2

30-60m Transition

70-100m Max Velocity , Speed Endurance and Maintenance

Categorised into the following

Intensive and Extensive - Short and Long Distances

Short and Long Contact Times

Impact: Low, Moderate, High, Shock

Reactive Strength

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