Speed Training - Muscular Coordination

Speed Training

Muscular Coordination

Athlete sharpness is simply coordination, by increasing coordination mean athletes move towards instinctive precise movement. Sensory awareness, control, and feel improves. Sharpness bandwidths get bigger.

This is an excellent video resource from Frans Bosch. This makes the complex, simple and easy to understand. Importantly in applied settings and out-with, we can observe and monitor the training response, and of course in competition. This is for all athletes within team and Olympic Sports.

πŸ’‘ This is my explanation of intra and Inter muscular coordination and the analogy "It is like a Russian Doll" layer upon layer.

🧠✨ Speed and power is neuro-muscular coordination, and we can improve the brain to limb connection and intra and inter-muscular coordination. Intra increases the firing rate of muscles, this means synchronisation, getting limbs organised, moving from simple movements to more the complex with efficiency, accuracy and fluidity. Inter improves the coordination of muscle action so the athlete can become sharper. Speed and clarity of the signal improves and motor units are more readily available and accessible for required work to express force.

🧠 We can programme using different speeds, a variety of loads, whilst building muscular endurance to hold and move out of positions and make accurate athletic shapes. Athletes must be able to execute skills repeatedly with precision.

🧠🌐✨On my website blog, you can also find my training durability guidance and learning radar & force velocity profiles (FVP)

πŸ“ˆ Training Durability - Better Player Health

✨ Speed Training - Learning Radar & Force Velocity Profiles (FVP)

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